No body wants to get old, but it is ok to get older. What is the effect on your facial skin, today I am going to tell you what happens if we separate the effects of the sun, just count them out, and just describe what happens to our facial skin as we age and get older.
It’s all about the lost of substances as a result of the passage of time we lose parts of all three layers of our skin.
The deepest layer which is the fat, the middle layer which is the dermis and the top layer which is the epidermis, when we lose fat which is partly based on time and hormonal changes associated with time that under support for our skin thins and allows things to sink in. That is what gives us creases and hollows that contribute some what to lines and wrinkles.
In the middle layer, the dermis, where the oil glands are and the collagen and the semi-liquid matrix that the collagen lives in, that all contracts and diminishes in amount and quantity that strongly contributes to lines and wrinkles and folds. It is sort of like taking the pole out of the center of the big top and the big top just falling down at the circus.
Also as we get older the epidermis, the top layer, becomes thinner there aren’t as many layers of cells and the ones that are there often develop DNA problems that result in them becoming a little flaky and not lying flat the way that they should. It is almost like the accumulation that occurs for which we exfoliate.
So the aging face or our face as we get older the changes is all based on the lost of fat, the middle layer of the skin and thinning of the epidermis.
Remember there is nothing wrong with aging gracefully, nobody wants to get old but we can enjoy getting older.
Take a look and tell me your thoughts.