What are the brown spots that we see on people’s faces, back of hands, arms and especially on the tops of women’s chests. These spots represent extra melanin which is the normal brown pigment in the skin that accumulates in these cells and is usually caused by the sun. There are different names for these spots but they all mean the same thing. Sometimes there called liver spots, sun spots, or age spots and I assure you that the patients don’t like to be told they have age spots. The good news is they are not dangerous and they are not cancerous. The bad news is they are annoying and make us look older and who wants age spots anyway.
Age spots are caused by sun damage, the sun actually breaking the pigment cell which is called melanin site which makes the normal brown pigment in your skin and it breaks the pump and the pump keeps working day and night making more and more pigment in one cells and another cells and when enough adjoining cells have to much extra brown pigment in them they form these age spots or sun spots.
What you should take away should be that they are not dangerous they are only annoying but even better yet tune into tomorrow and I will tell you how you can get rid of ours.