Why You Need to Wear Sunscreen Every Day

Episode #1 / May 11, 2009
We sincerely hope that you wear sunscreen while relaxing at the beach, lounging alongside the pool or doing an activity outside. But do you wear sunscreen every other time you're outdoors? We're sure you'll be able to guess what Dr. Schultz thinks about this and when you should and shouldn't be wearing sunscreen.
Annie on March 31, 2010 at 8:21pm

I am an African American women and of dark completion. What SPF # of sunblock should I use if I do not want my skin to dark more while riding during sunlight in the car on long road trips, etc

Neal Schultz, M.D. on June 1, 2010 at 1:27am

@Annie: African American skin of the tone you described actually has an intrinsic SPF of approximately 15, which provides protection against UV B but none against UV A. Accordingly, I recommend an SPF of between 15 and 30 but most importantly for you with UVA protection.