Guys, if you want to start your day without shaving irritation then I’m going to give you some tips for a technique for shaving, that I almost assure you will avoid shaving irritation. You see, I have very sensitive skin so I’m going to tell you exactly how I shave and how I avoid getting irritated. First of all, I never shave at the sink, I only shave in the shower because if I shave in the shower it’s much more gentle and I’ve wetted the hairs much better. At the beginning of the shower I wash my face and in so doing I get rid of all the oils that coat the hair that would otherwise stop the steam of the shower from penetrating into the hairs and softening them. Of course, I put a mirror up on the wall of the shower with two-sided tape so I can see what’s going on. Then I take a shaving gel, not a shaving cream- not a shaving foam. I use Edge but you can use any brand. The reason I use the gel is because there’s much less friction with the gel and I put the gel all over my entire face. Then I take a razor with several parallel blades in the head. This happens to be a Gillette razor and you can better see the series of parallel blades in this picture but by using several parallel blades you get less shaving irritation. I then take my razor and obviously with my mirror I shave in the direction of the grain of the hair first on one half of my face. I then rinse all the shaving gel off everywhere on my face. I then reapply shaving gel everywhere and if I want a closer shave on the side I’ve already done I shave against the grain. Then I shave with the grain on the other side of my face, then I rinse all the gel off, reapply the gel and shave against the grain on that side. At this point my entire face is shaved; I’ve had the advantage of frictionless gel and the moistening of the hair in the course of the shower. I rinse all the gel off, pat my face dry, I don’t use aftershave lotion but if you do you can. I assure you, if you follow these tips and this technique you will significantly reduce any irritation and you’ll get your day off to a much better start.