By now, most of you have heard the message of the importance of reapplying sunscreen every two-to-three hours and after swimming and sweating, and in the episode on “How often to reapply sunscreen with makeup on”, I discussed several different situations relating to sunscreen and makeup. But, there is one question that keeps coming back from viewers, about a very specific situation and that is, if I put on my sunscreen in the morning, and then I put on my makeup, I go to work, do I really need to reapply sunscreen every two-to-three hours, because in order to do that, I have to take off my makeup, and that just isn’t realistic. And if it’s not realistic, it’s not going to happen. Well, the short answer is if your makeup is still on, and it’s in tact, you don’t need to reapply your sunscreen. You see if in the course of the day, you haven’t rubbed off your makeup or sweated off your makeup, then your sunscreen is still under your makeup and is going to be intact, and you’re not going to need to then, need to reapply your sunscreen. So, the rule of thumb is real simple here, when your makeup needs refreshing, that’s the time your sunscreen needs refreshing.