Happy new year everybody! On this New Years Eve day, of the year 2011 I would like to suggest three skincare resolutions to help ensure that you’ll have healthy and beautiful skin. The first resolution is make sure you have a complete skin examination by a dermatologist, for the early detection and treatment of any skin cancers. Over 10,000 people die in the United States, every year from skin cancer, and they are completely, sadly, needless deaths, because skin cancer when detected early is never fatal. If you’ve done an exam in the past year, then schedule one for the month of your birthday so that you keep it on your radar screen. If you haven’t done one in the past year, do one this month. Make sure you see a dermatologist, and have a complete skin exam for the early detection of pre-cancers and skin cancers. Second resolution is protect yourself from the sun every day. That means wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine. There is always damaging ultraviolet coming through those clouds, and on every day. Sunscreen will help protect you from premature aging of your skin and from skin cancer. I never tell people to stay out of the sun, I just tell them how to protect themselves from the sun, by wearing a sunscreen everyday with an SPF between 15 and 30 and UVA protection. And a third suggestion for resolution for the year 2011 is to know your oil and water skin type. It is so important, because if you don’t know your oil and water skin type, you can’t buy the appropriate products for your skin. And buying the right active ingredient in the wrong vehicle for your skin type may not only fail to help your problem, but it may actually make it worse. So, everybody, I’d like to wish you a very happy and healthy 2011 and I want to thank you for watching DermTV.