Today, we’re going to try something new. We’re going to answer a YouTube video question and today’s question comes from YouTube make-up maven, Gina Beena Weena 99, and she asks, “what’s the story on dermarollers, are they for real, are they here to stay?” Anybody who knows me knows how passionate I am about exfoliation and I think everybody should exfoliate every day, whether it’s chemical exfoliants like glycolic or physical exfoliation like at home micro-derm abrasion or physical exfoliation like a dermaroller. This is just a model of the roller of a dermaroller but actually with a real dermaroller there are little pins that come out from the roller and as you roll in back and forth across your skin there’s a little pressure from the roller and the little pins penetrate into the upper layers of the skin. All exfoliants work in generally the same way. They either cause a removal of the dead cells on the upper layer of the skin and that sends a message to the other layers make more good healthy skin, or else they cause a small injury to the upper layer of the skin which excites a repair reaction which again makes more good normal skin. Now, I happen to prefer chemical exfoliant to physical exfoliants and the reason I do that is because with chemical exfoliants you get a regular and predictable result. An 8% glycolic will do just that. It will give you and 8% glycolic penetration. But with physical exfoliants the outcome is often proportional to how hard or how much effort you put into it. So with micro-derm abrasion by rubbing harder you get more exfoliation. With a dermaroller, by rolling harder those pins will go in deeper. I’ve actually seen people with physical exfoliation abrade away half of their skin or come in bleeding. The bottom line is, exfoliation is very good for your skin, whether it’s chemical or whether it’s physical. In increases the luster of the skin, the brightness, it helps take away age spots, it helps take away precancerous cells, it helps to prevent acne breakouts and even helps to cure acne. But whether you’re doing your daily exfoliation with a chemical or with a physical exfoliant, just do it every day and I believe that dermarollers are here to stay as another form of at home physical exfoliation.