Mothers ask me at what age can I start putting sunscreen on my infant, the answer is as soon as you take them outdoors. It used to be said that we did not use any sunscreen on infants under the age of six months, because we didn’t know what the effect of possible absorption of the sunscreen would be on the infant’s very thin skin. We now know that sunscreen is safe on infants at any age; however we have always maintained that infants under the age of six months should not be in direct sun exposure but should rather be in the shade. But we also know that you can still get sun damage in the shade.
So no matter what you are doing, if you are taking your infant outdoors use sunscreen all the time. In infants you do not want to use sunscreens that are in a gel or a solution base because it could be to dry and irritating for the infants young delicate skin.
Lastly always make sure that for your infant as well as yourself you are using a sunscreen with an SPF of between 15 and 30 with a UVA protection or a broad-spectrum protection.